Object Pronouns with Examples

Object Pronouns with Examples

Object pronouns are the recipients of action in a sentence. A personal pronoun in the objective case indicates that it is acting as the object of the verb. The object pronouns are "me," "you," "him," "her," "it," "us," "them," and "whom."

These pronouns are used instead of object nouns, often because the listener or reader already knows what the object is. Another thing to keep in mind is that object pronouns always come after either a verb (e.g "like, ate") or a preposition (e.g "with, for")

    Consider the following examples:
  • I like this film. I saw it last week.
  • Everyone seems to like this kind of cake. I ordered it for my daughter’s birthday.
  • She’s my friend. I really enjoy being with her.
  • My brother really wants a new sweater. I will buy one for him.

Objective personal pronouns can be further divided into those that function as a direct object, an indirect object, or the object of the preposition. For example:

As a direct object:

  • I met him at the café to talk about our weekend.
  • ↳ Him is the object of the verb met.
  • I gave her my old backpack since I didn’t need it anymore.
  • ↳ Her is the object of the verb gave.
  • Will you please tell her to call me?
  • ↳ Her is the object of the verb call.

An indirect object:

  • Give her the ball.
  • ↳ Her is the indirect object of the verb give.
  • I mailed a letter to her last week.
  • ↳ Her is the indirect object of the verb mailed.
  • My mom baked a cake for us
  • ↳ Us is the indirect object of the verb baked.
  • Angela gave me her bike for the afternoon.
  • ↳ Me is the indirect object of the verb gave.

The object of a preposition:

  • I sat next to them.
  • ↳ Them is the object of the preposition to.
  • She created the painting for me.
  • ↳ Me is the object of the preposition for.

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